Yes, it's possible to buy a .eco domain for investment purposes.
If you want to actively use your .eco domain, you will need to create a .eco profile. Please ensure that your .eco profile is accurate and clearly states your intended use for the domain name. So as long as you're compliant with our policies and maintain an active .eco profile, you're welcome to invest in .eco. You can search for a .eco domain and find a registrar at
It is not permitted to lease or sell subdomains to your domain name or to operate in a way that subverts the transparency or eligibility requirements of .eco.
What happens when I sell the domain?
You will need to notify the .eco registry at in the event of a change of ownership.
If you have not activated your .eco profile, when the domain is sold the new domain owner will automatically receive an invitation from us to activate their .eco profile so that they can start using their name.
If you have activated the .eco profile, we will need to reset the profile you created and reapply serverHold status for the domain before the new owner takes possession.
Failure to notify the .eco registry about the change in ownership could interrupt the process of selling the domain.